Say hello to the Melt Wax Sweet Treats Collection, a deliciously fun sample set featuring seven of our most irresistible hard wax formulas! Each 4oz sample lets you test, compare, and fall in love with a wax that is sure to MELT your heart
Coconut Milk Silky, creamy, and oh-so-gentle
Pink Bubblegum A playful pop of pink with a flawless grip
Glazed Doughnut Smooth, glossy, and perfectly sweet
Jellybean Shimmery, smooth and always a perfect pull
Cinderella A fairytale formula for magical results
Melted Candy A sugary smooth experience 50/50 gel cream formula
Gummy Marshmallow Soft, stretchy, and oh-so-satisfying 50/50 gel cream formula
Why settle for one when you can try them all? Snag your Sweet Treats Collection today
Sign up for our newsletter for 10% off your first purchase
And text JOIN to 844-318-0540 to receive exclusive discounts and offers!
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